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CUBATI Project – Public notice for the awarding of a consultancy assignment relating to energy policies for buildings in the EU.
Projet CUBATI – Avis public pour l'attribution d'une mission de Conseil sur les politiques énergétiques des bâtiments dans l'UE.

January 27, 2023

As part of the CUBATI project "Culture of quality construction: Research, Innovation and Enterprise for Sustainability", a strategic project co-financed by the European Union as part of the ENI Program for Italy-Tunisia Cross-border Cooperation 2014-2020, the Ecodomus Consortium , as Partner 2, has launched apublic notice for the awarding of a consultancy assignment relating to energy policies for buildings in the EU. The activity involves the drafting of a Report which will contain a brief excursus on the evolution of energy policies to achieve the energy saving objectives of the building stock in the European Union and a focus on the most recent community directives, and related implementations in Italy, regarding the requirements in terms of technological-performance characteristics of buildings and active economic measures to support the diffusion of energy efficiency interventions in buildings.

On the basis of the CUBATI project (Culture du bâti de qualité: Research, Innovation et Enterprise pour la Durabilité), strategic project co-financed by the European Union on the basis of the IEV Program of Transfrontier Coopération Italy-Tunisie 2014-2020, the Ecodomus Consortium , as Partenaire 2, launched apublic information for the attribution of advice on the energy policies of buildings in the EU. The activity consists in the drafting of a report which contains a brief excursus on the evolution of energy policies to address the energy economic objectives of the real estate park in the European Union and a focus on the most common directives recent studies and related transpositions in Italy, concerning the needs in terms of technological performance characteristics of buildings and active economic measures to support the diffusion of energy efficiency interventions in buildings.


Sustainable construction, energy saving e technologies powered by renewable sources

Via G. Mazzini n. 110 - 92027 LICATA (AG)

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